Saturday, October 29, 2011

I am crying because

Sadly, my 6 week stay in South Africa has come to an end.  I know it is a cliché, but it is definitely bitter sweet.  I have had an amazing experience here that has more then met my expectations.  Although I am excited to be going home, there is a part of me that is sad to leave.  I hadn’t expected it, but I was overcome with emotions.  My tears meant many things:

I am crying because:

·         My time here in South Africa has come to an end

·         The Zulu people that I have met and have spent my time with here are all very lovely, caring, friendly, thankful, and joyful people.  They’ve welcomed me into their homes, communities and schools and are gracious enough to share their lives and their culture with me

·         The joy and fun and laughter in all of their singing and dancing is infectious and reminds me that every day is a day to celebrate and to enjoy life

·         Of all their beautiful voices.  Nothing sounds sweeter than them all singing in unison and then that one sweet stand out voice among the group.  I love it when the men or boys sing along with their baritone voices.

·         This has been a long time goal of mine to come to Africa to see the animals, people and places.  Then became a concrete goal to reach that dream that I worked hard for this whole year.  And now this dream is coming to an end and once I get home and the excitement of my trip dies down, it will all be over.

·         Because although I miss husband, my family and parts of life back home, I am not ready for this adventure to be over and to go back to regular life

·         The things I want to accomplish next in my life like a family and a business will keep me from doing any major travelling like this for a long time.  So it makes me sad to think this is my last big adventure that I’ll have for a while.

·         Of precious hours I got to spend sitting and appreciating all of God’s creatures.  Each and every animal from this country is unique and interesting and I’ve been blessed to get to admire them at great length in their natural surroundings.

·         Of the amazing landscapes and awesome views that are indescribable and I can only hope my photographs can paint a true enough picture of the true beauty this country has to offer

·         I am anxious to see my husband’s face waiting for me at the airport and to get to be in his arms

·         How loving and genuine the people that I have met are.  I am but a fleeting moment in their lives, with the many different volunteers coming in and out of their community.  Yet they saw my tears of sadness and grief for leaving and reached out to me with their arms and their love to make me feel important and that I will be missed.  That my time here was important to them and that they hope to see me again.

·         Of the little differences that I feel that I’ve made. Whether it was the money donation I made on behalf of friends and family that went towards building the fence for the children at the Medletche school and getting to be a part of building it alongside the community members; or the balloons I brought and got to hand out to the kids at the school and to see their joy and excitement; or showing a boy at crèche how to make little sand castles with a pop bottle lid; or teaching the afterschool club leader how to braid with plastic string; or the many cuddles and smiles given to all the sweet children; or the beautiful photos I’ve tried to take to share with friends and family back home what an amazing place South Africa is

·         I truly appreciated being welcomed into a Zulu family’s home to be a part of a pre-wedding celebration.  Being married so recently, it was amazing to get to see how the Zulu’s celebrate the special occasion.

·         Only once in my whole trip have I felt like a tourist.  These projects have allowed me to get out and about in the heart of South Africa and live the real thing.  I feel like I know the people, I know the culture and I know the land and I am so thankful to have had this genuine experience.  It feels like home here.

1 comment:

RobynBeazley said...

You are so incredible Jody!! Congrats on making this HUGE dream of yours a reality. You broke your goal into actionable steps and achieved it - so amazing. I'm very proud of you!!