Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Proper Sneeze

Okay, so with all the viruses, germs and diseases that are flying around, threatening our livelihood, (you know the ones; the new viruses that are sure to wipe us out each year) they are teaching us to be more germ aware.

I will not lie, I am not a ‘germ-o-phobe’ so being germ conscious isn't always the first thing I think of (after all, I'll be out moving cattle, riding, and branding and then will break for lunch and probably not wash my hands).

But....I AM aware that other people are ‘germ-o-phobe’, so I try to be thoughtful of them. 'They' tell us that if we have to sneeze in public, to do so into our elbows.

MY question is.....what do you do when you are wearing short sleeves??? The other day I was trying to be conscious of my germ spreading so I sneezed into my elbow, which happened to be bare. Afterwards I realized my elbow, forearm and upper arm were all slobbery wet. So I wiped it all off with my other hand and proceeded on my way. ha ha. Realizing later that all my germs were then transferred onto my other hand and onto everything else I touched.

So, what is the proper way to sneeze with bare arms?!?!?!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thank you

Well I was thinking about this blog post as we were driving the 4 hours out east to my cousin’s place where we celebrated thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family. As we were driving, I was checking my Facebook and reading everyone's post saying how thankful they were this weekend for their friends and family.

I decided to update my status, and I changed it to "Jody is just as thankful today as I am each and every other day'.

It got me to thinking, yes it is amazing that everyone takes a moment on Thanksgiving weekend to realize what they are thankful for. To realize what they are blessed with: health, happiness, family, friends, etc....

My challenge for you....don't be thankful just on thanksgiving. But sure to give thanks everyday for everything in your life you are grateful for. Have a extra good day, say thanks!. Arrive at your destination save and sound, give thanks! Finally get over that nasty cold that has held you hostage the last few days, give thanks! The kids only fought once today, give thanks!

The more you are thankful for, the more abundance you will draw into your life. And the best way is to start and end each day with acknowledging all the blessings in your life. Even if it is simply, thanks for the breath in my lungs!

This morning I was thankfull for:
- my headache being gone
- Dustin having a great time at the hockey game
- Friday and I'm looking forward to a quiet, productive weekend at home
- my two treatments yesterday and feeling more healthy and directed
- my health
- all the special people in my life

Friday, October 1, 2010

No more excuses

Well, it's been 4 months since my last blog entry and now that wedding planning is over and life has started to get back to normal, I no longer have an excuse for not blogging.

I have to admit, the thought of trying to update my blog during the summer amidst the wedding planning was not something I was willing to tackle. I felt like every waking moment and thought revolved around planning that day. It is a lot of work to plan a wedding. It is a lot of work to plan a wedding in 3 months. It is a lot of work to plan a wedding in 3 months in the middle of an already busy summer. I struggled a fair bit with the stress of it all and mostly did not love the process.

That is until I gave myself an attitude adjustment. It took an early morning out camping, to sit quietly by myself along a river to gain some perspective. How could all the activities leading up the most special day be CRAP! (Which were my thoughts exactly, all that planning was CRAP!). I realized that although they may not be my most favorite activities, they were all an important part to making that special day special. And I knew that it didn't matter what happened that day or leading up to it, as long as I got married, that's all that mattered!

After that 'self attitude adjustment', I was in a much better frame of mind. I took on the planning tasks with a much happier outlook. When an issue did arise, I took it in stride and dealt with it without getting stress (other than 1 issues which honestly at one point almost brought tears to my eyes and even spoke the words 'this is ruining it for me'). I swore I wouldn't be a bride that got that wrapped up in her day, but it happens. I resolved to not let those issues bring me down and to just 'let them go'. I felt much better after that! Nothing was going to wreck my special day.

Much to the stress of many (perhaps even some guests as many of them said they had their fingers crossed), we decided to get married outside. I always knew I wanted to get married outside but wasn't sure if I could handle the stress of the weather. Yet as soon as we choose our ceremony location and the decision was made, I was very calm and at peace with it all. We made a backup plan (just in case) but I never put much thought into it, somehow knowing it wouldn't be needed. I was calm and trusted the weather would be perfect. Everyone was telling me the forecast, but I never looked at it myself or stressed. I trusted the weather would be perfect. As the week went on, the forecast was getting worse, I trusted the weather would be perfect. When the wedding day arrived and that morning was cloudy and a bit windy, I trusted the day would be perfect. My dad asked me "Well, are we playing like we got it?" (which is his way of saying, are we going ahead with the ceremony being outside), I trusted the weather would be perfect.

It ended up being about 12 degrees and cloudy, with bursts of sun throughout the day. Only a bit of wind and a few spits of rain came during one part of our photos that afternoon, but all in all, the weather was perfect!!!

Well those are just a few of my wedding thoughts that ,although it is all over with now, still occupy my mind as I reminisce and relive that most special moment of my life.

Don't be surprised to hear more post wedding thoughts from me. Hopefully I can keep the blogging up to date now that I have no excuses!