Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Positive Thinking

Are you a fickle fan? Do you jump on the bandwagon when the going is good?

I don’t know if being a positive person is something that I’ve necessarily strived for, however I have been told that it is a trait that I possess and I am thankful for that. I don’t know if I have to remind myself to stay positive or if it just comes natural. Believe me, I have my moments: moments of self pity, of sadness, of defeat. However, they never seem to last very long for me. I naturally find it easy to see the bigger picture and that things could always be worse! Granted that I’ve been blessed to have an amazing life that with only minor incidents, I am a firm believer that you don’t have to look very far to see someone worse off than you.

It’s as simple as sports fans. I went to a Flames game a few weeks ago and was appalled when at the end of the game (which by the way the Flames did basically hand the win over to the opposing team) the Flames fans began booing. What kind of a fan is that? You say you love the team and you’ll be the first guy whooping it up on the Red Mile when the Flames make the playoffs, yet here, when your team just faced a defeat, you boo them for it?!?!?

The world of Facebook allows us wear our heart on our sleeves, or should I say, on our profiles. I find it so interesting to read everyone’s status. You can get a real understanding of a person’s true personality and overall outlook on life if you take a look at their status history. Are they always complaining? Do bad things ALWAYS seem to happen to them? Or are they always upbeat? Do they have positive statements and thoughts? The ones that I get the greatest kick out of are the ones that praise positive thinking when the going is good. They are thankful for everything in their life that day because it’s a good day. (Which by the way, being thankful for everything you have is the way to attract more positive energy in your life). Yet, the very next day, when the going is not so good, these people are the first to get down on life, be mad at the world and to blame everyone around them and complain about how crappy their day is, their week is, their year is!!

Want to know what I feel is the best way to attract positive energy in your life? Be thankful for what you have, even when you are feeling down. Even when things have crumbled, be thankful for what you do have, even if it’s the simplest thing: Today, I have breath!!!!

Ever start your day off bad and you say to yourself, this is going to be a crappy day. And surprise, surprise!?! The whole day turns out to be crappy! Best way to confirm a crappy day: tell everyone on Facebook! Ha ha Have you ever said to yourself, okay, that sucked, but this is going to be a good day and make a conscious effort to look forward to it being a good day.

A friend’s recent status caught my eye recently and it really struck home. Her status said ‘took off my grumpy pants’!! YAY!!! Why can’t we all do that!?!?!? I love that she acknowledged she was having a bad day and made a conscious effort to remove her ‘grumpy pants’ and to commit to making her day better. We all have ‘off’ days. So why not try this next time you are having a grumpy day. Commit to taking off your grumpy pants. Now just think how pleasant and upbeat the world would be if we could all make that commitment!!

So just some food for thought, don’t be one of those fans that jump on board only when the going is good. Be thankful for what you have when you know you have a lot. More importantly, be thankful for what you do have, even if you don’t feel like you have anything. Realize positive thinking is most important when the going is not so good. And remember thoughts are things and words have power!!!

You can decide what kind of a day you are going to have!!

What kind of energy are you going to attract today?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Matriarch Grandmother

I have been so very blessed to have grown up with both sets of grandparents. I was lucky enough to live only a few miles from my mom's parents so spent a lot of time with them. My grandparents are the most special people and are truly the pillars of our amazing, strong, fun family and have set a great example of how to live a full life with values and to respect everyone around you.

Last week my grandma, the still vibrant, active, quick-witted 84 year old suffered a stroke. She was very fortunate that it was fairly minor (in comparison to several other patients in her ward at the hospital). She's had her ups and downs and as of most recently - up! She can walk, talk and is still just as sharp as ever. She has lost use of her left arm but as of yesterday could wiggle a few fingers. We are definitely hoping for further recovery of her mobility.

**Just a side note to share her still quick witted mind, as she was sitting in a chair one day and my aunt was curling her hair, her non-mobile left arm slipped off to the side. As she was reaching over trying to grab a hold of it with her right hand, she was saying 'You get back here'!**

I was blessed to get to spend some time with grandma in the hospital. That afternoon she was very tired and was not having one of her best days. She mostly slept and I spent quite a bit of time just looking at my amazing Grandma that I love so much! I can remember her saying one day that if she's ever in the hospital, to just play with her hair. She loves it. At one point, as I was stroking her hair to help her get back to sleep, I had a weepy moment. Just thinking about her strength, her love, her understanding, her compassion and her never ending giving to all those around her. Now, in this moment, it was her turn to let someone give to her.

I came across this on a website with the posting 'The Matriarch Grandmother' by Russel Mosley and thought it was ever so fitting. She will always be the Matriarch Grandmother in our family.

The matriarch grandmother has been the glue and support of the family structure for thousands of years. Her strength exist in her ability to bring clarity to the challenges and blessings encountered by her family. She is often a silent leader. Bypassing the opportunity to pass judgment on those that have chosen to perform less than she would expect of them. Instead she offers them love and guidance during those times most needed. Encouraging the quality efforts of those that have chosen to lead their life in way that honors her expectations.

She is a proud grandmother, that will do anything for her family.

She has faith in the ability of her family to achieve greatness. Though the world may sometimes offer a difference in opinion, to her the world has no control over the ability of her family to prosper when they are joined together as one. The challenges of the world are minimized at her kitchen table. Her meals bring refuge in a way that only her family and friends have had the benefit to appreciate. Through her recipes, the sun shines brighter, the birds sing louder and the flowers bloom quicker. Even in these amazing feats, the effects of her love can still not be measured.

Through her love she shares her wisdom on such topics as finance, relationships, health and faith in a way that brings joy and hope into the lives of her family.

From her meeting place, the kitchen table, she prepares more than just meals. She shares the wisdom of life as it has always been, still is and always will be. She creates an atmosphere that makes you wish that time could both, stand still and rewind in an instance.

When you visit this matriarch grandmother, her arms are always opened wide, her smile is always shining bright and her love is always flowing. Though she will not always be physically present in our lives, what she has taught us will never die.

For many of us that have become great leaders in our lives, she was our first example of how leadership can effect another persons life.

What a blessing it has been to be a grandchild of a matriarch grandmother.

Friday, January 8, 2010

What a way to end!

First of all I must apologize to all my blog followers (like the whole 2 of you that read this, ha ha) for not updating this for the past few weeks.  I will however try to be better and doing regular updates.

Well another year is in the books and it was ended with another holidays season full of blessings.  Dustin and I were very busy with lots of fun family gatherings.  We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives and were joyed to get to celebrate the holiday season with them all!!

The 19th was spent with my mom's side of the family.  It was our usual loud, busy, fun, food filled get-together.  We had a great time catching up and had lots of laughs over our gift exchange.  The new generation of kids (as my generation still feels like the kids even though most of us have their own kids) got to partake in one of my favorite activities as a kid.  Being pulled on the toboggon by a real powerful, one horse power machine, ha ha  My dad used to pull us behind the horse a lot when we were kids and I loved it.  I'm sure he wasn't pulling the kids as fast as we used to go.  There were 2 horeses and 10 kids

The 24th was spent with my family.  We had a yummy lasagna meal (trying to switch up the usual traditional turkey dinner).  We opened gifts and got spoiled.  Played some games, watched a movie and got ready for Santa with the kids.  I got to read the kids The Christmas Story before they wisked off to bed before being seen by Santa.

After watching the kids open their stocking, we headed to Dustin's parents house to spend some time with his family.  The tree was overflowing with gifts.  We were all spoiled!  Then we headed to his aunt and uncles house in Calgary for a yummy turkey dinner.

The 26th we went to Dustin's aunt and uncles house for the famous Boxing Day party with a bunch of his family and family friends.  It was heaps of fun and I can see why it's something Dustin looks forward to every year.  Dustin took part in the poker game and I enjoyed a copule reall fun games that required blurting out answers.  So of course I was good at that!!  Any game that cane make use of my big mouth is always a good time!!! ha ha

The 27th my mom hosted my Dad's side of the family Christmas.  It was great catching up with everyone that we don't see very often.  And in tradition, we played a game of Scatagories.  It was lots of fun with many laughs.  At one point I thought my mom was going to loose it she was laughing so hard at one of Dustin's answers (it made her blush a bit).

The 28th we got to celebrate my favorite little guy!  Cayden is 7!!  He had a awesome cowboy themed birthday party and was spoiled rotten.

We rang in the new in year in fine style.  We went to a friends place for a Super Hero themed party (which we remembered only that afternoon.  Unfortunetly for me, it takes me a month to be creative.  So I was Super Sport and just wore a sporty outfit with a towel as a cape.  Dustin on the other hand is very creative, even last minute.  He went as Captain Canada.  Our other friends planned ahead and had great costumes.