Thursday, February 4, 2010

Doing my part

About 4 years ago I decided that I wanted to do more to give back. I decided one way I could do that is to donate blood. I know a lot of people are almost shocked when they know that I donate blood. They say 'I could never do that', or 'I don't like needles', or 'I don't have time'. Well my answer to that and reasoning why I decided to donate is because being scared of needles or not having time aren't options when you are the one in dire need of blood. So, praying that the day doesn't come that I'm the one that needs the blood, I will be so thankful that other people have so graciously donated, forgetting their fears and finding time in their schedules to save my life.

It's not like donating is all fun and games, but it's a sacrifice that I'm willing to make and hoping that many other people will too. I still remember how scared I was the first time that I donated. I wasn't sure what to expect and from my bad experiences with IVs during surgery, I was not looking forward to that needle. I was pleasantly surprised at how well they look after their first time donars, making sure to explain the process and make your experience as pleasant as possible. The nurses are great - I wish those nurses worked in hospitals doing IVs. They have that needle in there in no time at all!

I'm not the greatest donater. I take a long time to fill my bag. Which I think is probably a good thing for myself that I"m a slow bleeder, ha ha. And I can struggle with feeling faint afterwards, but have learned to be sure to eat and drink lots of water before donating.

Even with my little fears or experiences, I still feel donating blood is worth it to try to do a little something for someone else. Please think about donating next time a clinic is in your area or find a local clinic. It's worth it! And you'll be extra glad you did if you or anyone close to you ever needs blood.

Oh, and p.s. Drinking and eating lots after donation is a great idea too. I found out this week that an early and light supper + donating blood + early morning workout the next morning = feeling faint and queasy on the treadmill.

Happy donating everyone!!!